1. Nomura, R. (2024). Reliability for music-induced heart rate synchronization. Scientific Reports, 14(12200), 1–10. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-62994-0
1. 大手あみ・野村亮太 (in prep.) ドローイング授業(仮)
1. K., M.・野村亮太他 (in prep.) 劇場コミュニケーション(仮)[完成度70%]
2. 大庭愛叶・野村亮太他 (in prep.) スポーツ鑑賞体験(仮)[完成度80%]
3. 海瀬叶・野村亮太他 (in prep.) チア演出と観客同期(仮)[完成度20%]
4.Nomura, R. et al. (in prep.). The gnealogical tree of rakugo apprenticeship.(仮)[完成度95%]
5. 荒川尚輝・野村亮太他 (in prep.) 観客密度とスポーツ鑑賞体験(仮)[完成度20%]
6. 川口裕翔・野村亮太他 (in prep.) 即興とジャズ[完成度50%]
7. 野村亮太他 (in prep.) CMの視聴行動(仮)[完成度70%]
8. M., M., ...Nomura, R. (in prep.). 映画での感動(仮)[完成度80%]
9. Nomura, R. et al. (in prep.). A power of music.(仮)[完成度20%]
10. Nomura, R. & Liang, Y. (in prep.). Quantifying expertise of performing artists... [完成度80%]
11. Nomura, R. (in prep.). Reconstructing driving intensity of story-telling performances ...(仮)[完成度65%]
12. ...Nomura, R. (in prep.). Collective response of audience members.(仮)
13. ....野村亮太他 (in prep). オンライン配信の共在感覚(仮)
1. Nomura, R. et al. (in prep.). Enjoyment in VR YOSE theatre.
2. Nomura, R. (in prep.). Transactions in competitive co-creation...
3. Nomura, R. (in prep.). Propagation patterns of laughter in theatre and network model...
4. Nomura, R. (in prep.). Network analysis on utterances in theatre ...
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