1. 大手あみ・野村亮太 (in prep.) 熟達した表現教育実践者の省察:ドローイング授業における行為の決定過程(仮)
1. K., M.・野村亮太他 (in prep.) 劇場コミュニケーション(仮)
1. 荒川尚輝・野村亮太 (in prep.) スポーツ鑑賞体験(仮)[完成度90%]
2. 海瀬叶・野村亮太 (in prep.) チア演出と観客同期(仮)[完成度20%]
3.Nomura, R. et al. (in prep.). The gnealogical tree of rakugo apprenticeship.(仮)[完成度95%]
4. 野村亮太他 (in prep.) CMの視聴行動(仮)[完成度70%]
5. M., M., ...Nomura, R. (in prep.). 映画での感動(仮)[完成度80%]
6. Nomura, R. et al. (in prep.). A power of music.(仮)[完成度20%]
7. Nomura, R. & Liang, Y. (in prep.). Quantifying expertise of performing artists... [完成度80%]
8. Nomura, R. (in prep.). Reconstructing driving intensity of story-telling performances ...(仮)[完成度65%]
9. ...Nomura, R. (in prep.). Collective response of audience members.(仮)
10. ....野村亮太他 (in prep). オンライン配信の共在感覚(仮)
[準備中] Nomura, R. (submitted). From novice to master: How performer skill shapes audience engagement and enjoyment in rakugo. Online Research & Writing Workshop on Japanese Humour & Comedy
1. Nomura, R. et al. (in prep.). Enjoyment in VR YOSE theatre.
2. Nomura, R. (in prep.). Transactions in competitive co-creation...
3. Nomura, R. (in prep.). Propagation patterns of laughter in theatre and network model...
4. Nomura, R. (in prep.). Network analysis on utterances in theatre ...
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